
Monday, August 30, 2010

Do Fun Stuff!!!

So today is a big day. Back when I was first pregnant I found this blog called Pacing the Panic Room. I followed Ryan and his wife, Cole, through their pregnancy thanks to his incredible "Maternity Series". I have continued to follow his blog because he is hilarious and extremely talented and I just like his family. Creepy, I know. I don't know him or his family but I feel like I do. Anywho, his stepson who they call LB (Littlest Buddy) was diagnosed with Smith Magenis Syndrome and they have been doing the best they can to learn what that means and how to best help LB. This is not a well known condition so the information has been scarce and the caregiver how to book has yet to be written. So, in true Pacing the Panic Room style, Ryan took matters into his own hands and put together an album to raise money for SMS research. I signed up over 6 months ago to join in a social networking tidal wave to promote this album and to build hope for this family and others. Please check it out and download the album. You'll love it. It's for kids, yes. But it's for parents too. It's kids' music that parents will love. Or parents' music that kids will love. It's hard to say. My point is, it's for your kids and for you AND for a good cause! So Do Fun Stuff!!

Want to learn more about this family and this plan? Go to

Do you want to join this social networking tidal wave and add this super cute green monster widget to your blog? Go to or click "Share this widget" on the monster above for the code.The album's available to buy on itunes, right now. So do it. Seriously, buy it. Go.

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