
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Henry "Flip" Kissinger, an old friend of Wyatt & his family, passed away on December 11th. Flip was a firefighter with the Raleigh Fire Department and worked at the station right by my parents' house - one station down from the station my brother-in-law, John, works at. He was 35 years old. Flip was hit head on by a school bus on his way home from work to take his daughters to school on December 4th. Flip suffered severe injuries and was rushed to the hospital where my sister-in-law, Elissa, works. She was in the OR when he came in. This 35 year old friend who was a groomsman in her wedding. She says that she will never forget that day. I can only imagine.

Elissa, John, and Wyatt are at Flip's wake tonight; his funeral is tomorrow. I didn't know him or his family but my heart breaks for them. I don't even have the words... so I'll share these pictures from the Facebook page set up for him in the hopes that you will all hug your loved ones a little tighter today and every day.

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