
Thursday, April 9, 2009

23 Weeks

Week 23, here we come!! Crumb is growing like a weed and therefore, so am I! Things are still just trucking along. I found this little pregnancy survey type thing so I'll take a shot at filling that out this week.
How far along?: 23 weeks today!
Total weight gain: 10 lbs - although it felt like 30 last night.
How much does baby weigh?: Just over 1 lb!! (So I guess that means I've only gained 9lbs! lol)
Maternity clothes?: Living in them. I've just reached the point where I really can't get away with any of my bigger "non-maternity" clothes. In other words, mama needs to go shopping!
Stretch marks?: None so far! Fingers crossed. I am the queen of cocoa butter - even though they say that doesn't really make a difference.
Sleep?: hmm, what's that?? Actually I haven't really had problems until these past few nights. I'm going to go with, "It's just a phase."
Best moment this week?: Watching Wyatt's face light up when he felt Crumb wiggling all over the place.
Movement?: It depends on the day but for the most part - tons of movement! He usually gets going around 10am (after our daily PB&J) and then again around 6pm during my after work chill.
Food cravings?: I haven't had any, "Wyatt, go to the store now!!" cravings as of yet. I am on a bit of a PB&J kick and my love for the regular favorites (mac n' cheese and mashed potatoes) has reached a new high.
Any breakdowns?: Hmm, yes that would be yesterday. I had a rough day at work and so I was in quite a mood last night. Wyatt did a great job of surfing that wave. I also had my first, "I look like a whale" moment last night as well. Hints why the pictures don't show faces! Oh the joys of out of control hormones. Wyatt is such a good sport.
Belly button - in or out?: It's a little of both at the moment. Wyatt was thrilled the other night when he discovered that he could get a penny to stay in the button unassisted. His description - it looks like the place where you put your quarter in the gumball machine. It sticks out at the top with a little dip at the bottom. He thinks it's hilarious and I think he's hilarious so all in all we are happy with the button status.
What I miss: Sleeping on my back/stomach, throwing on my every day jeans, and ice cold beer. It's all worth it though.
What I'm looking forward to: Being able to see Crumb move around!
Milestone: His movements are strong enough for other people to feel him now. I love it!!

Here are the money shots for week 23.
Love to all,

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