
Friday, April 17, 2009

24 weeks!!

First and foremost, a very overdue picture... If you remember back to the post about my "Other Family" night with the Deibels I mentioned the quilt that Deede made for Crumb. Well, here it is! Isn't it beautiful? Crumb is going to love it!
Thanks again, Deede!!!

Ok, now for the updates!!

How far: 24 weeks!
Weight gain: I don't get on the scale at home so until my next appt we'll just say around 10lbs - it has started to move into my arms and cheeks though! Hello chipmonk!
Baby weight: He's gained 4 oz (or so says the weekly email) so he's a little bit over a pound. Yes, this still means that mom has only gained around 9lbs.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes. I just bought 3 new stretchy dresses this week and I love them!!
Stretch Marks: So far, so good! (Meaning I don't have any)
Sleep: It's actually been a little bit better this week.
Best moment this week: There were several - Wyatt and I celebrated out 2nd anniversary - Crumb went on his first (assisted) Easter Egg Hunt - I saw Crumb move from the outside.
Movement: As long as I am away from anyone who might want to feel him wiggle, he's a moving machine. :)
Cravings: Carbs
Breakdowns: So far, I'm breakdown free this week. (I think)
Belly Button: A little bit in - a little bit flat - a little bit out
What I miss: I've been pretty content this week.
Looking forward to: Wyatt is taking me on a surprise get away trip this afternoon for our anniversary. I know we are going to the beach but I don't know which one. He did tell me that the place we are staying has a heated lazy river... what could be better for a pregnant lady?? He's wonderful, I know!
Milestones: Well, yesterday was our "V-Day" (Viability Day) which means that at this point Crumb would have a chance of surviving if he came to play. Wyatt and I have already discussed this with him and while we gave him a high five for reaching (and passing) this point - we told him if he comes out to play now he will lose phone privileges. He said he'd wait - smart boy. :)

and now, the fun part...

If you are missing a basketball, let me know. I might have eaten it. :)

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