Opinions are like bellybuttons - everyone has one. That being said, here are the things that (in my opinion) have been great for us these past 3 months. I realize that each baby and each family is different so what worked for me might send your child into the demon spawn screaming fit that we all try to avoid. However, since my belly button is still in recovery, I am sharing my opinion.
Nursing Tanks - I pretty much live in these!
Swaddleme’s - I was hesitant at first - Cole is a big fan of his hands. I tried it one night and he slept straight through for almost 12 hours. He has been swaddled and sleeping ever since!
Dr. Brown’s bottles - These are the best! We have had no problems with gas or colic. They are a bit of a pain to clean because of all the parts but its worth it.
A good pump - It's a must if you have trouble BFing in the beginning like we did. It's also a must if you plan on still providing breast milk after going back to work. If you're going to be using it as often as I use mine, make sure you get a good one. I've got the Ameda Purely Yours Deluxe and it's great!
Dishwasher baskets - for those nights when I just don't have the energy to wash all of the bottles
Microwave steam bags - love them! For those nights when running the dishwasher is not an option.
Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle n Swing - Cole loves this thing! He naps in it and is perfectly content to play or just chill in it. There is a mirror on the mobile part and he thinks the baby in that mirror is hysterical!
Baby Legs! - there is more to come on this new and wonderful find
Receiving blankets - you just can't have enough. I use them to swaddle, as blankets, as spit rags, as a spare cape when I'm playing supermom, as sun shields & rain guards... they are wonderful.
Avent pacifiers - Cole did not like the Soothies - they covered his whole face and kept hitting his nose - not a fan. The Avent pacifiers seemed to be the only ones he could keep in his mouth.
So there you have it. I'm sure there are things that I have forgotten but what's new!