
Friday, July 17, 2009

We've got a FULL TERM baby!!!

Wow!!!! 37 weeks – officially full term. I can’t believe we are here already. It seems like just a month or so ago I was telling Wyatt that he was going to be a dad… now he’s about to have living, breathing, squirming proof of that. I can’t wait!!
I have been a super slacker when it comes to posting so I do apologize for that. There has been so much going on I just haven’t had the time (or more honestly, the energy) to post. I’ll work on that this weekend maybe. Let’s get to the most important stuff first…
How far: 37 weeks 1 day
Weight gain: oh golly… 40+ lbs… I can’t wait to start losing that!
Baby weight: Crumb weighs anywhere between 6 1/3- 7 lbs at this point. This is where the weight and the length start to vary baby by baby.
Stretch marks: I made it so far without any… but now I have them and I’ll get over it as soon as I see Crumb.
Sleep: What sleep? If one more person tells me to sleep while I can, I might end up having this baby in the slammer. Don’t you think I would be sleeping if I could? I’m not exactly the kind of person that skimps on sleep if I can help it. Being 37 weeks pregnant makes sleep a thing of the past…. Good practice I’ve been told.
Best Moment: We had 3 showers this past week and so we got lots of fun stuff for the Crumb baby and I got to see some of my dearest friends and family. At one of those showers we got our car seat so that has now been installed (thanks John) and we are officially ready to bring Crumb baby home!
Movement: He is out of control! He pushed my stomach out so far the other day that Wyatt noticed it from the driver’s seat of the truck! He’s still talking about it!
Cravings: No cravings… just favorites… shrimp and ice cream (not together)
Labor signs: The Braxton Hicks contractions are still here as are the “real but not real” contractions. I thought for sure we were having a baby the other morning – I was having contractions about 7-10 minutes apart for over an hour. I decided to wake Wyatt up after the next contraction… and they stopped. Dag-nabbit Woody!! So I’ve been having them sporadically but that’s it. We’ll see if they are doing anything today at our doctor’s appointment.
Breakdowns: I think I’ve been pretty good this week.
Belly Button: Out
What I miss: Sleep
What Wyatt misses: a wife that can drink beer with him after a long day… not much longer, bud!
Looking forward to: our doctor’s appointment today, our final shower on Saturday, and the biggest one of all – meeting this baby!!
Milestones: We’re full term… I’d say that’s the biggest milestone until the actual birth! :)
I’ll do my best to finish the other posts this weekend.
37 Weeks:
P.S. - my husband is the silliest!


Unknown said...

Cograts & you guys are too cute!!

wendy said...

I'm so happy for you guys!! Cant wait to see that precious baby. Saw Wyatt on the news the other day...still looking good. Stay safe happy and love and laugh hard.....many hugs from look so cute pregnant!
(SO DOES WYATT!)Wendy( and Woodson)